Thank you!

TRS Independent Consultants have helped thousands of eligible small business owners, 1099 self-employed business owners, and gig workers with the Employee Retention Credit and Self-Employed Tax Credit (SETC). We appreciate you joining us on this journey.

How can we help?

Contact the correct department.

TRS (Tax Rebate Specialists) wants to ensure all support issues get handled promptly, so always send questions to the appropriate department.

Note: Always include your consultant ID and the file number, if applicable, for the ERC or SETC file you are inquiring about.

How does the SETC process work?

Each new COVID Sick Pay customer goes directly into the SEC (Self Employed Credits) pipeline. Once the customer is in the pipeline, there is nothing you, as a TRS consultant, can do to expedite the process.

What does that mean?

An SETC file can show several statuses as it progresses through the Self Employed Credits pipeline

The following SETC Display Statuses cover an application from start to finish. You will not be notified when a customer receives their check.

Remember, with SETC, you will never see the amount of credit an individual will receive. Your commission is based on the flat fee SETC charges the customer after they sign off on their analysis.

All payments made to SEC are calculated throughout each month. Reconciliation happens between SEC and TRS early in the following month and TRS will pay out the commissions due on the 15th of that month.

SEC logo
Application started
Completed questionnaire waiting to be reviewed
Customer ID verification
Customer needs to upload required documents
Awaiting customer response
Documents have been uploaded for review
Awaiting 8821 upload
Uploaded documents not acceptable or required documents still missing
Awaiting 8821 acceptance
Everything looks good and is accounted for
8821 not accepted
File rejected, abandoned, not eligible, etc.
Processing credit analysis
The customer's application is being processed by SEC for a final credit analysis. Once the credit analysis is complete, the customer will receive an email.
Analysis sent
The customer should have received an email with a detailed estimate and a checkout link. They must click the link to approve their credit amount.
Awaiting signing
The customer clicked on the checkout link from their analysis email. They will need to sign the agreement in order to continue their application.
Awaiting payment
The customer signed the agreement and must pay before SEC can file their credit.
Return(s) e-filed
E-filing status: SEC has e-filed the return with the IRS. Note: This marks the SETC file as forecasted for TRS commission.
Return(s) mailed
Paper filing status: SEC has sent your document packet via mail. Following this, the customer's next steps involve signing the documents and sending the packet to the IRS. Note: This marks the SETC file as forecasted for TRS commission.
Return(s) delivered to customer
Paper filing status: This status confirms that the customer has received their packet in the mail, which is the last step of involvement of SEC. From this point forward, the customer is responsible for signing and sending the packet to the IRS.
Return(s) accepted by IRS
E-filing status: Documents have been filed with the IRS. Note: This marks the SETC file as verified for TRS commission.
Application withdrawn
This application was withdrawn.
This application was rejected by SEC.
Test mode
This application was taken in "test mode."
This application, when complete, will not be submitted

What to do if an ERC customer receives a notice from the IRS

If the IRS sent a notice directly to your customer's address, give them this flyer detailing how they can upload the document(s) to ERC Specialists.

What to do now handout.

How customers can contact ERCS or the IRS directly

If your customer wants to contact ERC Specialists or the IRS directly, they can follow the instructions on this flyer. Note: They also should have received the email below from ERCS.

What to do if you have questions handout.
#3 — Follow Up ERCS Correspondence

In response to questions ERCS has been receiving from customers about the IRS News Release, this follow up communication was sent on 6/25/24.

Dear [Customer],

As we've received customer inquiries regarding the IRS News Release from last week, we wanted to provide some additional clarification.

Customers have reached out wanting to know which risk category they fall into. The IRS has not shared their criteria for these categories beyond what is listed in the News Release.

Based on our processes, we feel most of our customers will land in the "low" to "medium" risk categories. Based on our experience in filing this specific credit, we feel the "high" risk category may be comprised on businesses that didn't pay wages or didn't exist during the eligibility period, and filed claims anyway.

We have recently seen promising results from customers reaching out to their local government representatives. If you have not already done so, we'd encourage you to share your concerns and frustrations with the delays in ERC processing.

As always, we're here to support you. Thanks you for your continued trust in us.


Mark Sullivan
ERC Specialists, CEO

#2 — New ERCS Correspondence

In late June 2024, Mark Sullivan (ERC Specialists, CEO) emailed ERCS customers in Awaiting IRS status.

Dear [Customer],

As you know, we've all been waiting on the IRS for information about the ERC processing moratorium ending. The IRS released an update yesterday, found here: IRS News Release - IR-2024-169.

The main points include:

The IRS has used the time since the moratorium was implemented to digitize information and analyze unprocessed ERC claims.

Based on their analysis, they have separated pending claims into 3 categories:

1. Claims filed before the moratorium, determined to be "low risk," will begin to be processed, at a slower speed than they were previously, with the first payments for these claims being sent out later this summer. This is great news!

2. Claims filed before the moratorium, determined to be "medium risk," may require additional information from the taxpayer before processing.

  • For customers in this category, there is nothing that needs to be done now.
  • If the IRS reaches out to you for additional information, ERC Specialists can provide a packet of supporting documentation for your ERC claim.

3. Those claims determined to be "high risk" will be denied.

  • These claims include filings with warning signals that clearly fall outside the guidelne established by Congress.
  • ERC Specialists did not knowingly file any high-risk claims. If the information provided in your questionnaire was accurate, and you reviewed your eligibility criteria prior to submitting your claim, you can rest assured that we stand by the quality of our work and our processes in filing ERC claims. Compliance with IRS guidelines has always been our top priority.

Note: Claims filed during the moratorium (after September 14, 2023) will not be processed at this time. The IRS will be working with Congress to determine next steps for these claims.

We will let you know when we receive any additional updates.

Generally, the oldest claims will be worked first.

The IRS cautioned taxpayers that the process will take time, and warned that processing speeds will not return to levels that occurred last summer. The agency emphasized those with ERC claims should not call IRS toll-free lines because additional information is generally not available on these claims as processing work continues.

The ERC is a legitimate program, and we expect the IRS to fulfill its obligation to eligible businesses and pay out the credits they claimed. Again, if the information you provided in the questionnaire was accurate, and you reviewed the eligibility criteria when you made your claim, you can rest assured that we stand by our quality of work and our processes in filing your ERC claim. Compliance with IRS guidelines surrounding the ERC has always been our top priority.

The IRS has provided tools, including an ERC Eligibility Checklist, Warning Signs of an Incorrect ERC Claim, and an ERC FAQ — all are linked in the news release. These may be helpful if you'd like to review your claim.

Please let us know if you have any concerns, questions, or if you would like a copy of the supporting documentation for your ERC claim.

Thank you for trusting ERC Specialists with your business.


Mark Sullivan
ERC Specialists, CEO

#1 — Initial ERCS Correspondence

In May 2024, Mark Sullivan (ERC Specialists, CEO) emailed every ERCS customer dealing with the IRS delay.

Dear [Customer],

Thank you for choosing to process your claim with ERC Specialists. We understand the frustration you may be experiencing regarding the delay in receiving responses from the IRS. We want to assure you that we are committed to supporting you through this process.

We recognize that the IRS processing delays are impacting your financial situation and business operations. Although we do expect the IRS to resume processing at some point, to expedite the process, we encourage you to reach out to your local political representatives.

Your voice matters, and by expressing your concerns to government leaders in your area, you can help bring attention to the issue and prompt action.

To assist you in this outreach initiative, we have prepared a message for you to share with your local government representative.

Simply visit this link [customized for customer] to access the message, along with direct links to your local senator's contact form. Reaching out to your local senator is the most effective way to address and resolve this issue.

This outreach will only take one minute of your time, yet its effects will be far-reaching, benefiting not only your business but also thousands of small businesses throughout the country.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at

We are here to support you every step of the way.


Mark Sullivan
ERC Specialists, CEO

What does that mean?

You're not seeing double. While we finish the ERC files, you'll see two statuses for each file.

As a customer's file travels through the TRS and ERCS (or CLV) pipelines, the status will update at each significant stage.

If all goes well, you will see your customer's ERC file make its way through two pipelines: TRS and ERCS (or CLV).

The first pipeline updates you on where the ERC file is with TRS. This starts with a completed questionnaire and uploaded documents and ends with an approved file package. When you see the "Package sent" label, you know the file has been sent to ERC Specialists.

The second pipeline updates you on where the ERC file is with ERCS (or CLV). This starts with an application received and ends when the customer has paid the invoice. When you see the "Fully Paid" label, you know the customer has received all the ERC checks and paid ERCS.

A completed ERC file will finish with the TRS status saying "Paid - Complete" and the ERCS status saying "Fully Paid." If the file has both of these statuses it means the commission has been paid to our TRS consultants. (Learn more about how commissions work in the next section.)

TRS logo
Awaiting review
Completed questionnaire waiting to be reviewed
Waiting on docs
Customer needs to upload required documents
Docs uploaded
Documents have been uploaded for review
Missing docs
Uploaded documents not acceptable or required documents still missing
Submitted to processing
Everything looks good and is accounted for
Package sent
Full file has been sent to ERC Specialists
File rejected, abandoned, not eligible, etc.
Paid - Complete
The commission has been paid to consultants
ERCS logo
Application started
Full file is at ERC Specialists
Waiting on documents
Waiting for documents from TRS/customer
Documents uploading
TRS/customer uploading requested docs
Missing documents
Documents unacceptable or still missing
Submitted to processing
Everything looks good and is accounted for
Processing documents
ERCS team analyzing docs and calculating ERC
Marked irregular
File marked irregular and transcripts required
Analysis sent
Actual ERC amount and fee agreement sent to customer
Analysis reprocessing
Reprocessing because customer changed something
Awaiting signing
Waiting for customer to digitally sign agreement
Tax record verification
1–2 week process before filing with IRS
Filing with IRS
ERCS files ERC with IRS
Awaiting IRS payment
4–6 month wait for US Treasury checks
Customer is invoiced for checks as received
A payment and corresponding invoice have been reconciled or there is currently nothing due
Customer has at least one unpaid invoice
In fee recovery
Account has been given to ERCS fee recovery team
In collections
Account has been sent to outside law firm for collection
Fully paid
Customer has fully paid the invoice
File rejected, withdrawn, abandoned, or determined not eligible prior to the analysis being sent to customer
Rejected - Analysis sent
File failed TRV (Tax Record Verification) or was rejected after analysis sent (counts for promotions & Million Dollar Club totals)
Rejected - After signed
File rejected, ineligible, or withdrawn after being signed (counts for Ambassador & Envoy qualifications)
Account complete
IRS has issued checks to customer and customer's balance is fully paid
Tax Rebate Specialists

Documents & Articles

Statement of Policies and Procedures
TRS independent consultant documentation

TRS Statement of Policies and Procedures

Please download and read the latest version of our policies and procedures.

Tiered Compensation Plan
TRS independent consultant documentation

TRS Tiered Compensation Plan

Read about the Tax Rebate Specialists tiered compensation plan for ERCs and SETCs.

Forbes Logjam Article - June 21, 2024

IRS Breaks ERC Logjam. What Does This Mean For the Average Joe? Article - June 20, 2024

IRS Enters Next Stage of ERC Work; Review Indicates Vast Majority Show Risk of Being Improper Article - June 18, 2024

What's Happening With the Employee Retention Credit and the IRS? Article - June 17, 2024

A Covid Lifeline for Businesses Has Become Curse for the IRS Article - June 17, 2024

In Pending Litigation, IRS Reveals Strategy For Managing ERC Backlog Article - June 14, 2024

Didn't Get Your Employee Retention Credit? Sue the IRS!

Journal of Accountancy Article - June 12, 2024

9 Months Into ERC Claim Processing Moratorium, Still a Waiting Game

JDSupra Article
JDSUPRA - June 6, 2024

Why Some Taxpayers With Unprocessed ERC Claims Should Consider Filing a Refund Lawsuit

JDSupra Article
JDSUPRA - May 30, 2024

ERTC Refund Lawsuits: Is Now the Time to File?

JDSupra Article - May 21, 2024

The IRS Money Hole Gets Deeper

Forbes Article
Forbes - May 23, 2024

What's Next For ERC Refund Claims Pending With the IRS?

PR Newswire Article
PR Newswire - May 16, 2024

Stenson Tamaddon Files Lawsuit Against IRS and Treasury Department Over ERC Program

PR Newswire Article
IRS - March 22, 2024

IRS Employee Retention Credit Compliance Effort Tops $1 Billion Threshold Since Fall